Membrane Laboratory
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
MemLab is a scientific laboratory with the Water Process Engineering research group at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. We believe that by mastering artificial membranes and separation processes, we can create resilient and versatile filtration technologies – securing clean water and critical resources worldwide.
Rudimentary understanding of membrane separation mechanisms
Low selectivity of membrane processes and the inherent trade-off between permeability and selectivity of artificial membranes
Suboptimal membrane module design caused by knowledge gaps in module fluid mechanics
We aim to support the development of solutions that tackle climate change impacts, meet the tightening water and wastewater treatment legislation, remove micropollutants from the water cycle, prevent industrial pollution and promote responsible consumption and production.
We focus our research at the intersection between colloid and interface science, data science, and water and environmental engineering, tackling the specific challenges of:
Research Areas
We share optimism about the power of data science to bridge empirical research with computational and theoretical insights.
In our work, data science often converges data from laboratory experiments, numerical simulations, and physical models, accelerating the discovery and practical application of artificial membranes.
Electromembrane processes
Data-driven control of pressure and gravity-driven membrane systems
Transport characterisation of nanofiltration membranes quantitatively corrected for concentration polarisation
Exploration of nature-derived polymers
Cognitive analytics of nanofiltration of natural organic matter
Fine ion separations due to superposition of electroosmosis and ion concentration polarisation
Electrochemical oxidation of organofluoride micropollutants in membrane reactors
Sustainable membranes
Applied research takes a keyring and picks the key that best fits a particular lock. Fundamental science is more like forging entirely new kinds of keys – crafting shapes never seen before. Since we are curious about both, our project portfolio balances high-risk/high-gain and incremental development projects.
see previous projects
Infrastructure project under development
Membrane centre for sustainable water
2021 - 2025
Intelligent membrane systems for reserve water supply
2020 - 2025, RCN
Advancing electrochemical processes for water safety and circularity
2025 - 2029, RCN
Tunable ion separations with micro-structured composite membranes
2015 - 2018, RCN-Innovation Norway
Development of chemically enhanced membrane biological reactor
New technology for purification of NOM-containing water for reserve water supply
2021 - 2025
2017 - 2024, RCN
International partnership on membrane processes in water treatment for research and educational excellence
2020 - 2023, RCN
Intelligent nanofiltration membrane systems for natural organic matter removal in water treatment
MemLab connects subject matter experts who have stepped into data science and data scientists who are curious about membrane research and engineering. Our team combines colloid and interface, separation and purification, water and environmental engineering expertise with data analytics.
Research students
MemLab is committed to fostering the next generation of membrane technology professionals by training doctoral and master’s-level research students, as well as visiting students from the Water Harmony network
PhD students
Fanjing Meng
Electrochemical oxidation of organofluoride micropollutants in membrane reactors
2022 - 2026
Cognitive analytics of gravity and pressure driven membrane separation
Anura Arembage
2024 - 2028
Flux enhancers in biofilm membrane bioreactors: insight into fouling control
Olga Kulesha
2016 - 2019
Hermann Krüger
Transport characterisation of flat-sheet membranes for control of nanofiltration processes
Oda Rydland & Stine Simonsen
Opportunities, challenges, and operating cost of water treatment technology implementation for water supply in small communities
Odin Seljestokken
Bipolar capacitive deionisation on carbonised nanoporous monoliths
Amalie Brønmo
Effect-based assessment of by-products of electrocatalytic oxidation of PFAS

MSc students

Philip Lein
Electrochemical oxidation and UV-VIS quantification of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) for wastewater treatment
Dawit Zigta
Testing Aluminium based chemicals for fouling reduction in membrane bioreactor
Vladyslav Shostak
Comparison of treatment and fouling mitigation efficiency of organic and inorganic coagulants in biofilm membrane bioreactor
Anura Arembage
Operational Optimisation of Biofilm Membrane BioReactor (BMBR) for decentralised wastewater treatment
Lars Rumohr Blingsmo and Leon Dokland
Advanced coagulation and membrane filtration treatment of effluent from high-rate MBBR
Gorm Walter Høili Pettersen
Nanofiltration of surface water with high organic content, focusing on reserve water supply in Halden municipality
Jothy Sathananthan & Jenny Gustavsen
Opportunities for water reuse by implementing MBR in Norway
2024, industrial economy
Roman Kuzhel & Anastasiia Nehrii
Effects of electrochemical treatment of mixed liquor in submerged ceramic membrane bioreactor
Asim Rasheed
Data-driven strategies for managing natural organic matter in water supply
Passive membrane technologies
University of British Columbia, Canada
Pierre Bérubé
Nature-derived reagents in water treatment
Vlad Tarabara, Michigan State University (USA)
Research cluster at the University of Calgary, Canada
Partners in development of the National Research Infrastructure
“Membrane Centre for Sustainable Water”
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), The Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research (SINTEF), Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Research Institute AquaTeam COWI, National Centre for Water Infrastructure (Vannsenteret)
Behaviour of fluids at nano-scale, ion transport through nanofiltration membranes, current-induced concentration polarisation of nano-/micro-interfaces
ICREA/Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Andriy Yaroshchuk
MemLab partners with scientists around the world to drive research on membrane processes, focusing on solutions that address pressing societal challenges such as water purification, environmental protection, and sustainable resource management
Industrial partners
See full list
Intrinsic rejections of various solutes
Instrument: rotating membrane test cell with an equally-accessible surface of flat-sheet membrane.
Cross-flow membrane filtration
in various membrane test cells.
Instrument: Sterlitech benchtop cross-flow filtration system with data logging kit and CF042 cells in acryl, PTFE, acetal, and die.
Capillary flow gas-liquid porometry and gas/liquid permeability
Pressure step stability method with multistage pressure process. Instrument: Porolux Revo porometer with measurement cells – flat sheet disks, hollow fiber.
Electrokinetic analysis of solid surfaces
Zeta potential analysis of macroscopic solids, isoelectric point, liquid-on-solid adsorption kinetics.
Instrument: Anton Paar SurPASS 3 with measurement cells – adjustable gap, ceramic membrane, hollow fiber membrane.


Research infrastructure
Our equipment base enables advanced experimentation, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations on membrane technology.
Particle analysis
Zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility of particles by laser Doppler micro-electrophoresis.
Instrument: Malvern Zetasizer Z.

Particle charge analysis by streaming current method.
Instrument: Micrometrix PCA.

Particle-by-particle analysis by tunable resistive pulse sensing. Instrument: Izon qNano.
Imaging techniques
TEM, SEM, EDS, stereomicroscopy, CLSM, light microscopy (collective use facility).
Water analysis
Elemental analysis by ICP-MS.
Instrument: Agilent 8800 ICP-QQQ.

Absorbance, transmittance, and fluorescence excitation-emission-matrix (EEMs) acquisition
Instrument: Horiba Aqualog.

UV-VIS spectroscopy
Various instruments

Discrete spectrophotometry
Instrument: Systea EasyChem

Real-time UV-VIS spectroscopy
Instrument: scan spectrolyser

Total Oxygen Demand
Instrument: LAR TOD

Chemical Oxygen Demand by UV-AOP
Instrument: MANTECH PeCOD
Electrochemical tests
in galvanostatic and potentionstatic modes, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
Instrument: BioLogic VSP-3e potentiostat with eight channels (+/- 1A expandable up to 800A) and built-in EIS.
Exploratory data analysis (PCA, MCR, cluster analysis). Quantitative regression techniques (MLR, PCR, PLSR, L-PLSR, SVM). Supervised classification techniques (SVM, PLS-DA, SIMCA, LDA). Artificial neural networks. Chemometrics in spectroscopy.

Single-physics, multiphysics, and surrogate modelling.

Software: Python, MATLAB, Unscrambler, COMSOL Multiphysics, StatEase DesignExpert, OriginLab, Orange Canvas.

Data driven & simulations

Research students
Mentorship of MSc students enrolled with NMBU
Student exchange: Erasmus+
Internships: IAESTE
PhD candidates
Industrial PhD scholarships
Public sector PhD scholarships
There are no vacancies at the moment
Visiting researchers
Postdoctoral fellowships: MSCA PF Masterclass
MemLab offers development opportunities for both researchers and graduate students—at doctoral and master’s levels—to engage in membrane research collaborations.
NMBU Strategic Infrastructure and Young Talent grants